In this way they were and still are a extremely hermetic community – the nation with a well-known treatment of their habits and a superior way of life to everything foreign to their culture. Certainly one of the reasons for this is the level of assimilation (the lack thereof) the fact that they are trying to preserve their ethnic and cultural distinctiveness at all costs and they consider only laws of the land which they have to adapt. They don’t have their own country and they are the victims of aggression and misunderstanding basically everywhere they live. Roma nowadays are considered to be one of the most discriminated and discredited nations in Europe.

What is the aim? Tackling the issue of unemployment among Roma community and raise of awareness on the problem of their exclusion across Europe.” To summarize methods and ideas of project: Roma (considered by a socio-administrative system as social parasites) collaborate with the artist (who calls himself Parasite) within the project, which relies on an parasitic exploitation of already existing pictures, canons and icons of European painting. The aim of this method is to equip Roma with the skill to paint pictures which will be sold around the world via an online store (…) The key to a success of the project will be a concept of painting which involves the Roma culture on a parasitical contact with European culture (…) Another important element of the project is that the gain from the sale of our works will be evenly split within this “guild”.(…)

Within three weeks they will be implemented to a process of quick painting course.

“(…) The project relies on the involvement of few unemployed Roma to become painters.